AusMob Virtual Plenary 2020
(Im)Mobilities in 2020: Coronavirus and Beyond
ZOom, 12:30pm – 2:00pm (AEST), Friday 19th June 2020
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has seen rapid, largely unprecedented changes to our mobility systems at all scales. Global air travel has contracted dramatically, supply chains have been interrupted, and transport commuting has in many cases been replaced by working from home.
Has the COVID-19 crisis changed the way we think about mobility and immobility? Has the crisis shed new light on various forms of inequality and injustice? What forms of mobility are we likely to see persist after the lockdowns are lifted, and what will return to 'normal'? What do the experiences of the past few months tell us about the potential for change in response to other threats, like climate change?
The Australian Mobilities Research Network is hosting a virtual plenary to discuss questions, provocations, and possibilities surrounding mobilities and COVID-19.
Panelists: Dr Kaya Barry, Griffith University; Associate Professor David Bissell, University of Melbourne; Dr Jennifer Bonham, University of Adelaide; Professor Robyn Dowling, University of Sydney; Professor Gordon Waitt, University of Wollongong; Dr Andrew Glover, University of Wollongong (moderator).
Zoom Details:
Please join us for the event on Zoom at 12:30pm – 2:00pm (AEST), on Friday 19th June 2020 using any of the following options:
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