Created in 2017 by the Mobile Lives Forum, the “New Voices” Award promotes outstanding research on mobility by early career researchers. In 2020, the Mobile Lives Forum is launching the second "New Voices" Award, in order to showcase the best of mobility research today.
The ten theses and dissertations selected in 2017 were by authors of varying nationalities and disciplines (sociology, anthropology, geography, urban planning, economics, etc.). They covered a wide variety of themes (the future of cars, the mobility of young people in periurban areas, the resilience of transport systems, 'new middle classes' and unsustainable transitions, etc.) and were each published on the Mobile Lives Forum in the form of short articles accompanied by the full theses and dissertations.
Each recipient of the award will receive 200 Euros in the Master’s category and 500 Euros in the Doctoral category, and their work will be published on the Mobile Lives Forum website.
How to participate
Ten awards will be granted. Theses must have been defended after 1 September, 2016.
The application must be submitted by the supervisor and the application must include the full thesis or dissertation in its final version, a short biography, as well as a short article.
Deadline: 1 December 2020
Further information: